Divorce can be a challenging time, especially when one or both spouses own a business. The process can impact not just the couple but also the business's continuity and the morale of its employees. It is important to take proactive steps to ensure the business remains...
Easing The Stress Of Your Family Law Matter
Family Law
Legal pitfalls to avoid in high-conflict divorces
Divorce is never easy, and when it is full of conflict, it can become even more stressful. In the throes of a high-conflict divorce, tread cautiously to avoid legal entanglements. Ignoring documentation To better manage a high-conflict divorce, keep detailed records...
What happens if your spouse is hiding assets in your divorce?
Divorce is a highly-complicated matter even at the best of times. If your divorce is particularly contentious, it is possible that one side might make things even more complex by attempting to hide assets. Individuals who seek to hide assets during a divorce do so in...
What will happen to your business in a high-conflict divorce?
When relations turn hostile during a marriage, the ensuing divorce can be fiercely contentious and competitive. Each spouse wants to walk away with the better end of the bargain, and your business might be right in the middle of this feud. Kentucky statutes on the...
Getting a postnuptial agreement can divorce-proof your business
When divorce seems imminent, your mind will surely drift to thoughts of how you will maintain your lifestyle after the split. Your top priority as a business owner is to ensure that you can continue to operate even though your spouse has a partial claim to your...
Ways to divide marital debt
If you are getting divorced, you need to make arrangements for any debts that you and your ex-spouse incurred during your marriage. The determination of who is responsible for specific obligations is usually made in a property settlement agreement. Different options...
Dividing Liabilities
Believe it or not, there is no specific statute in Kentucky which tells the court how to divide marital debts. Generally, the debt "follows" the asset. But all debts incurred during a marriage are not automatically deemed to be "marital" in nature. Courts in Kentucky...
Divorce when you are over 50
Previously it was almost unheard of for a couple to divorce after 30, 40 or 50 years of marriage, but that’s no longer the case. It is also much more common for people to be in a second or third marriage by the time they approach retirement age. Like it or not, many...
What Happens in a Divorce?
Every divorce action is different and unique. Every marriage has its own special circumstances. The information below will be useful to you in understanding the general process common to many divorce actions undertaken in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. In a nutshell,...
The basics of uncontested divorce
Kentucky's traditional divorce process essentially turns spouses into legal adversaries. This makes sense for many divorcing couples, but it is not the only option. As the name implies, an uncontested divorce is one in which the spouses have nothing to fight over....