When parents decide to divorce, having a plan for the kids must be a priority. You might be so focused on the long-term parenting plan that you forget that you can set a temporary plan to follow while you work out the terms of the permanent one.
The key to the temporary agreement is that it only needs to focus on the next few months. You don’t have to think beyond that, so you should be able to do what is best for the kids right away. There are two key points that you need to decide right away – where the child will live and how the parenting and visitation schedule will go. If there are any major holidays or special events coming up soon, include those in the temporary plan.
You also need to think about child support during this time. If you want to pursue these payments, you need to file a petition with the court for temporary support payments. Make plans for taking care of the child’s expenses right now. You and your ex might opt to split everything evenly, or the parent who has the children with them might pay for all expenses during that time. If you are sharing expenses, make sure that you include the terms of repayment.
One thing that is positive about these temporary plans is that they can set the framework for the permanent parenting plan. You can see what works and what doesn’t work for the situation and use that to come up with the terms of the long-term plan. Throughout the process, be sure that you are realistic about what’s possible and what is going to work.